PROJECT TITLE: Think global!
PROJECT REFERENCE: 2020-1-PL01-KA229-081851

The subject of project activities is the promotion and dissemination of global education among primary school youth by preparing an educational city game.

The world is becoming smaller, more diverse, and its individual parts are interdependent. Thanks to modern telecommunications technologies, we have almost unlimited access to information from the most distant corners of the globe. Every day we use items that before they got to us, passed through dozens of hands on several continents. The world affects us at every step.

And we how do we influence the world? We don’t think about it often. Is it worth it? By buying a new pair of jeans, a soda, a bike, going on holidays to exotic countries or voting in elections, we influence the lives of people on other continents. We are no longer just Polish, Portuguese or Spanish citizens. We are the citizens of the world – global citizens. However, are we aware of this?