PROJECT TITLE: European Badge Alliance

PROJECT REFERENCE: 2015-1-IT03-KA205-005757

The European Badge Alliance project (EBA) brought together 8 european organizations with the common intent to innovate the recognition, validation and communication processes of key competences acquired by young learners and staff through learning mobility experiences. The project focused on the adaptation of Open Badges, an innovative digital tool originally developed by the Mozilla Foundation and particularly suited for the purpose of recognising and validating competences. EBA has produced 5 intellectual outputs:
O1 – A research about the state of the play and the potential of use Open Badges
O2- 13 badge systems to be used with participants in mobility activities
O2 – 6 guidelines on how to use Open Badges in different learning contexts
O3 – A policy recommendations paper about the potential of Open Badges as a tool for the recognition of competences from non formal and informal learning addressed to decision makers
O5 – The upgrade of the platform for badge issuing on the base of the partners organisation’s needs and the feedback collected by the learners. The platform allows now to attach badges to the Europass CV.

European Badge Alliance was selected by the Italian National Agency ANG as a good practice.