PROJECT TITLE: PRODIGE – PROmote DIGitalisation for Education & training
PROJECT REFERENCE: 2020-1-FR01-KA226-VET-095601

Prodige is a KA2 project financed under the extra call for digital education readiness of the Erasmus+ programme (KA226) published in 2020. The general objective of the project was to strengthen the European dimension of VET centres strongly affected by the circumstances created by the Covid 19 pandemic by innovating their internationalisation strategies thanks to the use of digital tools and to the development of teachers’ digital competences. The project foresaw the development of three intellectual outputs related to the specific objectives of the project.

Prodige partners worked at the development of 3 products that will support teachers in organising mobility in the new context brought by the Covid 19 outbreak:

IO1: Online Toolkit for teachers and other school staff aimed to support them in organising students’ mobility with a strong digital component, by virtualising part of the experience.  It is composed of infographics, video tutorials, examples and practices adaptable to each VET center.
IO2: E – platform for a tailor made mobility in hosting families. The platform allows local families to register and signal their availability for hosting students. Partners also developed two sets of guidelines: one dedicated to the learners, to optimise the hosting experience, and one addressed to families for their collaboration with VET schools in setting up transnational mobility activities.
IO3: E-learning course for teachers on the Internationalisation at Home. It is be composed of training modules on how to set up learning activities for local students and teachers with a transnational component, some examples are: use of e-twinning and further online tools, host European students and organise classes/activities for them while they are at school, hosting training courses for European teachers etc. A special focus was kept on building capacities to implement blended mobility.